Access Hawai‘i Committee Meeting Minutes

September 3, 2015

1:00 p.m.

 Videoconference Centers

Kalanimoku Building

1151 Punchbowl Street, Room B-10

Honolulu, Hawai`i  96813


Videoconference Centers (VCC)

County of Hawaii, Hilo VCC, Hilo State Office Bldg., 75 Aupuni St., Basement, Hilo, HI 96720

County of Maui, Maui VCC, Maui State Office Bldg., 54 S. High St., 3rd Flr., Wailuku, HI 96793

County of Kauai, Lihue VCC, Lihue State Office Bldg., 3060 Eiwa St., Basement, Lihue, HI 96766


Members Present

Kerry Yoneshige, Business Management Officer, representing the Comptroller (secondary


Mara Smith, Procurement Specialist, representing the Administrator of the State Procurement Office

            (SPO) (Secondary representative)

Jennifer Brooks, Attorney, Office of Information Practices (OIP)

Clay Sato, Data Processing System Manager, representing the Coordinator of the Department of the

            Attorney General (ATG)

Catherine Awakuni Colόn, Director, Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs (DCCA)

Kevin Thornton, Director of Support Department, Judiciary

Donald Jacobs, Acting Director, County of Hawaii  (VCC)*

Jacob Verkerke, IS Manager, County of Maui  (VCC)*


Members Absent

Todd Nacapuy, Chief Information Officer, Office of Information Management and Technology


Sharon Wong, Acting Administrator, DAGS/Information and Communication Services Division

            (ICSD) (Chair Designee)

Robert Su, IT Manager, Department of Taxation (DoTAX)

Keith Ho, Deputy Director, City and County of Honolulu

Brandon Raines, CIO, County of Kauai

Senator Glenn Wakai, State Senate

Representative Chris Lee


Other Attendees

Valri Kunimoto, Deputy Attorney, ATG

Derek Ichiyama, ICSD

Susan Bannister, ICSD

Keith DeMello, Acting Chair, OIMT

Arnold Kishi, OIMT

Bonnie Kahakui, SPO

Russell Castagnaro, General Manager, Hawaii Information Consortium (HIC)

Teri Berschneider, HIC

Kevin Dayton, Honolulu Star-Advertiser


*Participated via videoconference center (VCC)


I.                   Call to Order and Determination of Quorum


Acting Chair Keith DeMello called the meeting to order at 1:07 p.m. at which time quorum was established and the requirements for public notice were made.  


II.                Approval of the July 28, 2015 Meeting Minutes


The committee reviewed the Access Hawaii Committee (AHC) July 28, 2015 meeting minutes.  Correction made to item II, changed from March 5, 2015 to June 1, 2015 per Member Verkerke.


Russell Castagnaro, General Manager of HIC, said to replace “generated” to “provided” on the original draft of minutes under item V, paragraph 4, first sentence.


Member Brooks made a motion to approve the minutes subject to clarification of which is the proper word, which was seconded by Member Thornton.  Vote was taken and the motion unanimously passed.


During discussion, Member Verkerke expressed concern that the minutes appeared to be edited by HIC who is not a member of the committee.  Mr. Castagnaro said he did it so the item would be discussed.  Chair DeMello will check with Mr. Castagnaro after the meeting and revise the minutes for accuracy.  Chair DeMello called for a vote to approve the minutes pending an audit of the correct word and correction by staff as appropriate.  Motion unanimously passed.


The committee recessed at 1:16 p.m.  The meeting resumed at 1:25 p.m.


III.             Public Testimony




IV.             AHC Hawaii Information Consortium General Manager’s Report, including balance Sheet Details and Fee Schedule


Mr. Castagnaro reviewed his report.  The published study by the University of Utah was posted on the AHC website.  Teri Berschneider, Director of Portal Operations, was introduced.  In May, she attended the State International Association of Commercial Administrators conference with DCCA Business Registration (BREG), who was                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                 awarded a merit award for outstanding innovation for its Alert Me services.  Attended conferences to support partners and learn about best practices at no cost to the state.


Meets regularly with AHC Portal Program Manager, Derek Ichiyama, to provide ongoing status of HIC’s work activities.  Covered active projects and information he will need for the contract renewal report


Mr. Castagnaro plans to meet with DoTAX regarding its decision to not use the portal for e-filing next year.  It is about 10% of HIC’s revenue and uses a lot of resources to manage those applications.  The Customer Service Statistics shows the number of service calls from the public, which may include government agencies.  Member Verkerke asked if the calls could be broken down further to help the committee better understand the nature of the calls. 

Mr. Castagnaro will look into it.  In the Financials section, Member Verkerke stated that HIC’s total revenues and total expenses and assets and liabilities are heavily influenced by the monies they collect on behalf of the state.  They then turn around and deposit the monies into accounts.  He would like to see HIC break the cash flow out so that it is separated from their actual operational results.  This method will provide AHC a clearer picture of HIC’s revenue stream.  Mr. Castagnaro is not sure if it can be done on a monthly basis but already provides Mr. Ichiyama the breakdown of time and materials versus hosting the transactional services, which are less than 25% of revenue.  He stands by the financial report.


V.                AHC Portal Program Manager Status Report on the Pending HIC Contract Extension and Current Work Activities


Derek Ichiyama continues to meet with committee members, as well as, HIC and state agencies that currently have projects with HIC.  He is almost done with the contract extension report.


VI.             Consideration to Develop Request for Proposals (RFP) and to Establish the RFP Evaluation Committee for the Continuation of the Internet Portal Manager and Services Provider Contract Beyond the Pending HIC Contract Extension


Member Brooks asked if the RFP committee will be a sub-committee or a permanent interaction group (PIG).  A sub-committee follows the Sunshine Law meeting, may have any number of members up to the full board, when it reports back the board, action can be taken immediately, and members and assignments attached to it may be changed.  The PIG does not have to conduct its business through the Sunshine Law, is set up with specific members less than a quorum for a specific purpose to look into a specific thing, the members and purpose cannot be changed, when the PIG reports back, the group dissolves and the board has to wait until the next meeting to hold discussion and take action.


Ms. Kahakui, SPO, stated that an evaluation committee for the RFP will have to be established.  The RFP evaluation committee has to be made up of a minimum three government employees. 


Member Verkerke made a motion to begin procurement activities with the intent of going out with an RFP at some point, which was seconded by Member Thornton. 


During discussion, Member Verkerke asked whether DAGS or AHC is responsible to initiate, manage the selection of a vendor, and oversee the RFP process-- AHC or DAGS. 

Ms. Kahakui stated that SPO administers the contract but the RFP process such as the scope of work, evaluation criteria, who will be the contract administrator, etc., would reside with the lead agency.  Member Smith noted that a new RFP should be done if the scope of work on the original contract has changed.  Member Yoneshige stated that the committee should first decide whether to move forward with a new RFP, then decide on a sub-committee or PIG. 


Chair DeMello called for a vote on the motion made by Member Verkerke, which was unanimously passed.


Member Verkerke requested that a PIG be formed to make recommendations on the pros and cons of doing a new RFP and what the state wants. 


Member Verkerke made a motion that a Permitted Interaction Group be formed to make recommendations on the approach to the selection process, which was seconded by Member Colon.  Vote was taken and unanimously passed.  Members serving on the PIG are Kevin Thornton, Catherine Awakuni Colon, Keith DeMello, Derek Ichiyama, with Mara Smith serving as an SPO representative.


Member Verkerke wanted to discuss the University of Utah’s study and asked if the study was on the agenda as part of Mr. Castagnaro’s report.  Member Brooks said that as long as the study was filed as part of the agenda, the item may be discussed.  It was stated that the Utah study was filed with the Lieutenant Governor’s office as part of the agenda. 


Member Verkerke stated that the inclusion of the study caused him to look back at meeting packets from a year ago.  AHC discussed the SOW for the additional work that was going to be funded by the non-collection of fees.  Included in that SOW was to be a study of government services provided by the portal manager.  About seven possible topics for the study were listed.  Member Verkerke voiced his disappointment noting that only two of the seven were touched on in the survey, there were no reference to the public ideas and public satisfaction with their performance, or analysis or recommendations on improvements for future services.  The submission is more of a report on surveys done than a study, thus does not satisfy the SOW.  Other materials or content should be provided to the committee in the future to satisfy the SOW that was agreed upon last year.  HIC stopped reporting on the scope of work funded by the non-collection of monthly fees at the end of March 2014 but the SOW extended through June 30, 2014.  Member Verkerke would like HIC to submit a report that covers the last three months of that period and the justifications for his approach taken. 


Mr. Castagnaro agreed that it is more of a report on a survey rather than a study.  He explained that HIC could not find anyone to do the survey but plan to do one for the next annual report.  This third-party survey was done to obtain input from existing partners.  HIC has done other things during that reported period. 


Member Verkerke made a motion to ask HIC to complete the accounting of the Statement of Work specifically reporting work between April 1, 2014 and June 30, 2014, which was seconded Member Thornton.  Vote was taken and unanimously passed.


[The board’s staff subsequently discovered that the Utah study had not been part of the agenda as filed after all.]


VII.          Announcement


1.      The next regularly scheduled meeting is December 3, 2015

2.      A special meeting may be called before then by the Permitted Interaction Group.


VIII.       Adjournment


Member Thornton made a motion to adjourn which was seconded by Member Awakuni Colon.  A vote was taken and the motion was unanimously carried.  Meeting adjourned at 2:35 p.m.