Permitted Interaction Group Report and Recommendations

Regarding the State Internet Portal Manager and Services Provider Contract


October 21, 2015


TO:                 Access Hawai‘i Committee


FROM:           Permitted Interaction Group


SUBJECT:    State Internet Portal Manager and Services Provider Contract


This report conveys to the full Access Hawai‘i Committee (AHC) the recommendations of the Permitted Interaction Group (the Group) assigned to make recommendations on an approach to beginning procurement activities with the intent of going out with Request for Proposals (RFP) for the State of Hawai‘i’s Internet Portal Services Provider.



The Group was authorized at the AHC’s regularly scheduled meeting on September 3, 2015, after a motion passed to begin procurement activities with the intent of going out with an RFP for the Internet Portal Services Provider. 


Members of the Group are: 

·         Catherine Awakuni Colon (Department of Commerce and Consumer Affairs)

·         Keith DeMello (Office of Enterprise Technology Services)

·         Derek Ichiyama (Office of Enterprise Technology Services)

·         Mara Smith (State Procurement Office)

·         Kevin Thornton (State Judiciary)



In 1999, the State initiated the Internet Portal project with the goal of redesigning its home page to have it serve as a web-based portal, or single access point, to electronically deliver services and information to the public.  To achieve this goal, an RFP was issued for response from electronic business and Internet portal providers. 


In 2000, the State entered into a contract with Hawai‘i Information Consortium (HIC), a subsidiary of National Information Consortium (NIC).  The contract called for HIC to develop the internet portal based on a customer-centric approach with a consistent user interface, and without increasing the tax burden on the residents and businesses of Hawai‘i.  As part of this contract, initial investment capital for hardware, software, communications, facilities, and other related items were provided by HIC at no cost to the State. 


In 2008, a new RFP for an internet portal provider was issued that added provisions for web content management, time and materials projects fees, and hosting fees for web-based and mobile applications.  Over the period of this contract, HIC redesigned and hosted the State internet portal and provided an integrated search engine.  The key components of the portal system are a State “homepage” ( that is designed from a customer or citizen point of view, applications that support online processing of licenses, filings, permits, applications, renewals, and database searches, and presentation of information to citizens and businesses.  


In 2013, was re-launched in conjunction with upgrades to webpages across all State departments and agencies, enhanced mobile, touch and speech capability, increased consistency, and improved accessibility.  Collaborating with State government partners, the vendor has developed and is continuing to develop web and mobile applications to deliver information and more than 100 online services and websites to the public.  HIC has also promoted the portal to government agencies, private and public organizations, while providing reporting user and performance statistics to AHC, the oversight body.


On July 28, 2015, the AHC unanimously voted to extend by three years the contract for current provider, expressing satisfaction with the company but acknowledging the need for more communication and reporting on value and benefit to the State.  Also at the meeting, Derek Ichiyama was introduced as the recently hired State internet portal program manager, who serves as the vendor relationship manager and whose duties include evaluating the vendor’s activities and financial reports.  The AHC tasked the PIG with recommending to the AHC if a new procurement should be initiated.



The Group convened on September 15, 2015, with former Acting ICSD Administrator Sharon Wong attending to provide contract history and background.  It was determined that while the State Procurement Office administers the contract, the lead agency is the Department of Accounting and General Services (DAGS) with the AHC overseeing management of the contract. 


Per the RFP, which is made part of the contract by reference, Section 2.08.7 states “Routine contract administrative activities will be implemented through the AHC.  Final statutory and decision making authority for the contract resides with the Contract Administrator…”  The RFP also states in Section 9.03.1 that, for the purposes of this contract, the ICSD Data Processing Systems Manager or his/her authorized representative is designated the Contract Administrator…”


Since the contract may be extended for up to three years, without limit to the number of extensions, the committee’s recommendations impact the initiation of the procurement process.  Furthermore, the Group concurred with the AHC’s general assessment that a new RFP, should one be warranted reflect any and all changes in the scope of work from the original contract, and it is therefore prudent and within the scope of the AHC’s mission to take an active role in developing scope of services with input from appropriate agencies.  In addition, the AHC is clearly made up of stakeholders and would be important in establishing scope. 



To fulfill its purpose of advising the AHC on the approach to whether to procure, the Group presents the following recommendations:


1.      Development of a Portal Program Functional List — HIC has operated under the current State contract since 2008, and its roles and responsibilities, including added value services, have expanded and evolved over time.  These functions have also adapted by necessity to constantly changing technology and security requirements, as well as Administration priorities.  Development of a comprehensive and accurate portal program functional list representative of all services and activities performed by the current provider is critical to determining State needs and will assist in:  1) determining if a new procurement is needed; and 2) if so, a procurement that not only meets current needs but anticipated future needs.  (Note:  Portal Program Manager Derek Ichiyama reported that a project dashboard is currently in development.)


2.      Market Research —  As a best practice, formal market research is an essential part of due-diligence to assess and compare Hawai‘i’s portal program contract model and the services it provides in relation to other models and technologies utilized elsewhere.  This research should include solutions employed by other states and municipalities (self-funded models or otherwise).  It is recommended that such research begin with the 2015 winners and finalists of the Best of the Web and Digital Government Achievement Awards to provide examples of innovate use of internet-based information resources and services.  The Group notes that adequate research may require the assistance of third-party expertise, managed by Portal Program Manager Ichiyama, and should allow a sufficient and reasonable timeframe for thorough evaluation (estimated by the Group to be a minimum of a six-month period).


3.      CIO’s Future Vision of the State’s Web Presence and Services — By the nature of the role of the State CIO and the position’s authority over State government technology assets and resources, the vision and strategic plan of the CIO should be a main consideration determining future needs of a portal manager contract.  The AHC must work with the CIO, given that the CIO’s strategies regarding the allocation of IT workforce and program resources will have an impact on program implementation and funding, even if the self-funded model is continued.  Additional consideration should be given to the Ige Administration’s overarching priority area of an “Effective, Efficient, and Open Government,” suggesting an emphasis on efficiency, transparency and accountability.   (Note:  Subsequently, CIO Todd Nacapuy has been asked to share his and the Administration’s priorities at a future AHC meeting.)   


4.      AHC PrioritiesAs part of its legislatively mandated duty of providing oversight over the portal program, AHC must also outline and actively communicate the needs of the State to ensure that any (current and future) contract fulfills requirements, to keep pace with technology and the public’s expectations, and to position the program for success.  This guidance will provide the current and any future provider clarity to be used in managing and allocating its own resources in order to maximize success.


Based on these recommendations and additional input from the State Procurement Office, the following timeline estimation was developed to convey a sufficient and realistic timeframe required to initiate and successfully implement an RFP, including post-award activities, should a procurement proceed:


Estimated Timeline

December 2015 – March 2016      Development of a Portal Program Functional List

April – September 2016                Market Research (potential small RFP, if necessary)

October – December 2016            Development of Portal Manager and Services Provider RFP

January – December 2017             Procurement (from issuance of RFP to award of contract)

January 2018                                 Start of new contract (best-case scenario)

January – December 2018             Transition of duties (overlap ensuring continuity of service)