As of November 2014, HIC has 32 full time employees.

Russell Castagnaro headshot

Jing Xu headshot

Zheng Fang headshot

Janet Pick headshot

Russell Castagnaro

Jing Xu

Zheng Fang

Janet Pick

President & General ManagerDirector of Marketing
& Operations
Director of Development

Project Management Office
(PMO) Manager


Rosie Warfield headshot

Nathan Hutchinson headshot

Rika Torres headshot

Rosie Warfield

Nathan Hutchinson

Rika Torres

Manager of eGovernment
Services & CMS

Web Coding & CMS SpecialistWeb Coding Specialist

Customer Service & Office Administration

Emily DaSilva headshot

Ann Yuasa headshot

Jamie Kinion headshot

Bobby Bundac headshot

Nick Choy headshot

Emily DaSilva

Ann Yuasa

Jamie Kinion

Gabriel Bundac

Nicolas Choy

Office ManagerAssistant Office
Customer LiaisonCustomer ServiceCustomer Service

Project Managers

DeAnna Niderost headshot

Julie Shohet headshot

Jerome Koehler headshot

Tony Tran headshot

DeAnna Niderost

Julie Shohet

Jerome Koehler

Tony Tran

Project ManagerProject ManagerProject CoordinatorProject Manager

Partner Liaisons & Quality Assurance

Burt Ramos headshot

Laurenz Bacungan headshotTeri Berschneider headshot

Carrie Miyasato headshot

Caryn Pang headshot

Burt Ramos

Laurenz Bacungan

Teri Berschneider

Carrie Miyasato

Caryn Pang

Partner LiaisonPartner LiaisonPartner LiaisonPartner LiaisonQA Analyst

Systems Administrators

Matt Taniguchi headshot

Julian Yap headshot

Matt Taniguchi

Julian Yap

Sr. Systems

Design Team

Patrick Nakamura headshot

Corey Rothwell headshot

Jenly Chen headshot

Patrick Nakamura

Corey Rothwell

Jenly Chen

Manager of Creative
Responsive Web
App Developer
Responsive Web
App Developer


Ernest Criss headshot

Sebastien How headshot

Matt Skoda headshot

Aga Wichrowska headshot

Jordan Laimana headshotIsaac Strauss headshot

Ernest Criss

Sebastien How

Matt Skoda

Aga Wichrowska

Jordan Laimana

Isaac Strauss

Lead DeveloperDeveloperDeveloperDeveloperDeveloperDeveloper


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